Is calling in a tip really anonymous?
How can I report a tip?
You can call 281-427-TIPS or 281-427-8477.
Download the P3 Tips App from your Apple App Store or Google Play Store.
Students should download the P3 Campus App from their Apple App Store or Google Play Store.
Or do it online by clicking here -> go to www.baytowncrimestoppers.com and click on “Submit a Tip.”
What is Campus Crime Stoppers?
Over the last two decades, Goose Creek Independent School District has participated in the Texas Campus Crime Stoppers program. This program is fully supported by Baytown Crime Stoppers, Inc. which is the local hosting organization. Goose Creek ISD’s Campus Crime Stoppers program has been established in the high schools and junior high schools alike. This program allows students and/or school personnel to provide anonymous tips to the administration and local law enforcement about crimes or violations of school rules. The tipster will receive a monetary reward for information which leads to an arrest or disciplinary action. Cash rewards paid are up to $125 in high schools and up to $75 in junior high schools. If the crime is classified as a Felony, then the tipster could be eligible for up to a $2,000 cash reward!
Campus Crime Stoppers is a unique program to get students involved in keeping their schools safe. It’s a joint effort between Goose Creek CISD, Baytown Crime Stoppers, local law enforcement, and the community to keep the threat of violence, illegal drugs, and weapons and other dangerous activity off school campuses.
How does Campus Crime Stoppers work?
It’s easy. If at any time a person has information on a crime or they know someone who has a weapon or illegal drugs or is threatening someone else while at school, they would just call the Campus Crime Stoppers tips hotline number at 281-427-8477 (TIPS). You can also download the P3 Campus App from your Apple App Store or Google Play Store, then select the Country, State, City or County and School in reference to your tip information. After you enter all of your tip information, just click on Submit. Your information will be forwarded, and you will always remain anonymous!!!
Which local schools have Campus Crime Stoppers?
- Baytown Jr High School
- Cedar Bayou Jr High School
- Gentry Jr High School
- Goose Creek Memorial High School
- Highlands Jr High School
- Horace Mann Jr High School
- Robert E Lee High School
- Ross S Sterling High School
- IMPACT Early College High School
- Edward “EF” Green Junior High School
- Stuart Career Tech High School
What kind of tips does Campus Crime Stoppers take?
- Graffiti
- Criminal Mischief
- Tobacco/Smoking/Vaping
- Theft
- Guns, Knives or other Weapons
- Gang Activity
- Arson
- Vandalism
- Bullying
- Assault
- Cyber Bullying
- Suicidal Threats / Tendencies
- Threats
- Alcohol
- Bomb Threat
- Drugs
- Fighting
- Harassment
- Improper Photography
- Inappropriate Behavior
- Public Intoxication
- Sexting
- Sexual Harassment
- Stealing
- Terroristic Threat
- Truancy
- Marijuana
- Drug Paraphernalia
What is Friends for Life Program?
By using the same procedure for reporting a Crime Stoppers tip, students may report incidents of victimization. When a tipster submits a tip by phone or text, he or she is provided with a status number and instructed to call back at a later time to find out if he or she is eligible for a reward. This branch of the Campus Crime Stoppers program is called Friends For Life, and as with Crime Stoppers, tipsters’ names are kept completely anonymous. One call could provide help by a counselor or interventionist for a student in need.
A Friends For Life call that provides accurate information about someone in need pays a $25.00 cash reward to the tipster, but the true reward is in helping others get their lives back on track. Through the existing Campus Crime Stoppers system, students can help other students who are victims of:
- Bullying
- Cyber Bullying
- Sexting
- Dating Violence/Abuse
- Family Violence/Abuse
- Gang Activity
- Suicidal Tendencies
- Sexual Harassment on Campus or by Another Youth